I see this every day on my walk to work, near the start of the bikeway at Cornwall St. I'm not sure what the concrete thing is, or used to be.

Sunrise with clouds, taken from my balcony. There was a really interesting pattern in the clouds, which I didn't manage to capture, unfortunately. Nevertheless, I think it's an okay shot.

An 'action' shot of my accidental souffles. They were delicious, by the way.

The souffles in the oven. I find this shot notable because of my reflection in the oven door. Other than that, it's not particularly interesting. I have more food shots in the photostream, but I have a very long way to go as a food photographer, I think. Oh well. So long as it's delicious to eat, that's the main thing.

Again something I saw on my way to work. I'm actually really pleased with this shot. This one and the moss garden one are my two favourites.

Pretty yellow flowers. I rather like how the focus on this one turned out.

Another shot of the same flowers, but I don't think the focus worked quite as well.

My cactus against some of those stunningly blue skies we had on Monday. I think the shot would have been a little better if I had got it straight, but overall it's still pretty dramatic.

Slightly peeved at this one. I was trying to focus on the flower, dammit. This is why I want a better camera/software for my phone. I'm intending to find that flower and try again. Now I just have to remember where it is. I would have taken more shots at the time, but it was bright, and sunny, and the screen on my phone is small and low resolution. This is a persistent issue, I think.
And that concludes the show and tell for this unit time.
As always, critiques welcome and appreciated. I think these aren't too bad, but I'm still not sure if it's luck or skill operating here, although given the way my phone focuses, I think there's going to be luck involved for a while.
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