Sunday 27 March 2011

Screwing up my 365project, and general technology fail.

Somewhere in the last couple of weeks, I've managed to come a bit adrift and screw up my 365project. Sigh.

I'm going to go back through, figure out which day I've missed, and edit the day/date bits so that it's all fixed and sane again. And hopefully maintain a spreadsheet of all this, so I don't do it again.

Turns out it was the 17th of March, Day 20 that I managed to skip over. I've posted the photo for that day, and nearly caught up to today. I also now have a nice big spreadsheet with days, dates, and filenames, so hopefully I shouldn't screw up again any time soon. Does anyone have a better way to do it?


Also, my email is screwed, my phone is screwy, and I'm generally not in the right frame of mind to be frantically writing an assignment right now.

Days like these, I really just want to say 'fuckit', go to bed and read a book. Also I would like new shoes, a new phone, a DSLR, a kindle, and some spare time. And a pony.


  1. You have far more stamina for the 365 project than I would have Elspeth, I'd have probably lasted a week x_x Don't beat yourself up over it *hugs*

  2. With all my photos, as soon as I get them onto rotating rust I rename and munge them so that they're named in this format:


    and then use dcraw to convert them to jpegs as well. I also use exiftool to stamp my copyright on the pix if I took them. I've got a script to do this - ping me if you'd like a copy.
